
April 6, 2023

Love Divine # Easter reflection

Let this be the only way to measure each days accomplishments and to help us to maintain our focus knowing how precious and valuable we are to God...

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April 6, 2023

No more shame ## Easter reflection

This means when we turn to Jesus, then He can turn every situation around and bring forth a divine experience out of it so we can know how much He loves us

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April 1, 2023

Jesus knows everything

Delay does not mean denial, disappointment is not in His nature and His love for us is not dependent on our circumstances......

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April 1, 2023

Perfected by His Grace

When the radiance of His Majesty and Holiness is revealed to us, we see our imperfections too and He redeems us by His Grace.....

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March 30, 2023

Now is the time to Trust Him

When we make a conscious decision to complete abandonment to the Lord then we experience the benefit of Trusting Him....this is the season

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March 30, 2023

Turn to Jesus

When we know how close the Lord is, then we can confidently keep our focus on Him without being distracted..

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March 28, 2023

Renewed Trust

Having the will to remain positive in the midst of great difficulty and trusting God through it all thus receiving victory.....ì

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March 24, 2023

Angels are at Work

The power of praying for others and how God divinely intervenes in a situation that seems so impossible as a matter of life and death while the culprit seems to be resting through it all. Amazing 👏

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March 23, 2023

The Lord my Shepherd

It calls for a personal experience in our walk with the Lord and it is an assurance of what He wants to be in our lives. Whatever He does is Good 👍 Awesome

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March 17, 2023

Enough is Enough

It's never too late to take that step of faith, press through the obstacles and with conviction stretch out your hand to touch the hem of His garment...

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March 12, 2023

What a Joy to love Jesus

Nothing comes without a sacrifice but every promise He has spoken is fulfilled in time. How much more in eternity?

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March 11, 2023

Quenching the Thirst

When we worship Jesus, then in His presence, we experience the fullness of who He is, this in the Unfathomable Love that transforms us forever....

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March 10, 2023

The Redeeming Grace

Jesus looks for an opportunity to show mercy to us but we have to open our hearts to receive it with Trust....

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March 9, 2023

Saving Faith

Love invited Himself and transformed this man's life forever. The blind man refused to be silenced and the Eternal God heard him and his life too was changed forever......

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March 7, 2023

Perfection in Love

We are perfected in the love of God when we embrace the crosses in our life willingly and readily for the sake of Christ....

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March 5, 2023

Abundance of Grace

A question of trust in Jesus that He is able to give us whatever we ask of Him and the fullness of who He is....

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March 2, 2023

Confidence in God

The Lord has already chosen and deposited the greatest treasure in you; The Holy Spirit: a seal that reveals you belong to Him....

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March 1, 2023

He raises our Standard

It doesn't matter where we are at in our walk with Jesus, He comes to our level because He understands and cares for us....

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Feb. 28, 2023

Elevate your mind

To adopt the mind of Christ, we have to change our focus from things of this world to where the Lord is in Divinity....

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Feb. 26, 2023

He has the Final Word

Jesus already took His place as a Priest forever; Holy and fitting and able to save those who approach God through Him and to make intercession......

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Feb. 25, 2023

Grounded in His love

When our eyes are open each day to see the beauty of His love for us and the wisdom of our every day crosses, then the Cross of Jesus will be our main attraction....

Episode page
Feb. 24, 2023

Concealed in His Tent # Covered

Free from all distractions and gaze on Him no matter what happens. He is our refuge and shelter. He is the Great I Am and Greater in our hearts.....

Episode page
Feb. 24, 2023

Praise is for God

Learning through instruction and giving Praise to the Lord for only He is worthy and if the circumstances dictate otherwise but you still Praise Him then its a Sacrifice......

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Feb. 24, 2023


The Lord is a Mighty Warrior in battle. Ours is to believe His Word and declare it, it will be established.....

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