
May 1, 2023

Imprisoned by Hope

To remain in this place we need endurance and to shut our physical eyes from what we see otherwise we could easily get distracted....

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May 1, 2023

I will rejoice in the Lord

The decision to rejoice in the Lord is a posture of Trust in Jesus the Good Shepherd for Christ is All in All.

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May 1, 2023

Intimacy through suffering

A divine experience is produced when we accept suffering and a conscious decision to worship He who suffered a great deal and died for us and now glorified forever, our Lord Jesus Christ our Savior...

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April 29, 2023

It's all about Him

To be created and transformed into the image of Christ and to Trust Him without wavering in surrender to His makeover.

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April 27, 2023

A God who causes things to happen

God uses the weak to fulfil His Word and when we decide to come out of our deliberation, take a step of faith. We shall see the victory revealed.......

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April 27, 2023

Listen and Learn

The end result is that our Lord Jesus Christ never looses anything. It is not possible. It is not in in His DNA. If we listen to the Father, we shall believe in Him and partake of this Grace too.

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April 26, 2023

Lord make me and I shall become

We need this Bread of Life, the Good Shepherd that knows His Sheep and when He speaks, the Sheep follow because they belong to Him....

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April 26, 2023

Not my will but yours Lord

When we accept the will of God to be established in our lives, He sends help in different ways and the fullness of who He is..........

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April 24, 2023

An assignment to fulfill

We have been given a task to look for opportunities to Proclaim the Good News to all creation.....

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April 24, 2023

Scars for Victory

Scars of life should not define our identity or dictate our future but if we look at them through the eyes of Jesus, the story is different....

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April 24, 2023

He refreshes the weary soul

We are reminded of the greatness of God and the need to renew our hope in Him, so that His Joy may become our strength....

Episode page
April 23, 2023

An Open Heart

Only an open heart will be able to know, decode and have the will of God established fully and according to God's plan and design.....

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April 21, 2023

The road to Greatness

The need to understand God's purpose and design for us. Exult Christ and to know and understand He is the determinant...

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April 20, 2023

A cry from the depths

A cry from the depths, He will answer. Precious in His sight is a drop of tear and before it falls He collects and corrects the wrong, for He knows every secret hidden in it.

Episode page
April 19, 2023

Goodness of God

No eye has seen, no ear has heard what God will do when we choose to trust Him and believe the promises He has spoken in His Word concerning us....

Episode page
April 18, 2023


God has the Power to deliver but sometimes He chooses to make you Fireproof. He is Almighty, All-powerful God..

Episode page
April 18, 2023

His Mercy endures Forever

It is time to come out of our comfort zone, and worship God for Who He is. He alone is worthy of our worship....

Episode page
April 16, 2023

" I Thirst" # Divine Mercy

Jesus thirsts to release His Unfathomable Mercy upon us but we have to cultivate an atmosphere of a longing for it and place all our Trust in Him....

Episode page
April 15, 2023

You are my Possession

Do you want to know how much of a treasure you are to God, look at Jesus dying on the Cross.....

Episode page
April 13, 2023

It's a New Journey

Complete detachment from our old way of life, openness to receive and embrace the New Covenant Relationship with Jesus; makes us a New Creation....

Episode page
April 11, 2023

Lord I believe# Jesus is Alive

The desire to encounter the Risen Lord will attract the Joy of the Risen Lord to fill our hearts and dispell off all negativity....Hallelujah!

Episode page
April 11, 2023

Jesus is Risen!! Hallelujah

When we recognise that Jesus our Hope is Risen and won victory for us, then we cannot be downcast but look up to Him with radiance and Joy. This Joy will lead us to worship Him..... Hallelujah

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April 8, 2023

Come and See # Easter reflection

The Majesty of God is manifested in our lives when we acknowledge that in everything He remains to be God and remain to be human....

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April 8, 2023

Why Good? # Easter reflection

Every dark season has an expiry date, it is not meant to remain, hence there's need to see and call it as God does.....

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