
June 24, 2022

The Midnight hour ## Crossover

It us a moment that we come out of the old to embrace the New, it seems like the end but it is the dawn of a New thing but we have to choose and divert our focus on Jesus.....

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May 19, 2022

God I look to you

A decision to trust God irrespective of circumstances that would be speaking otherwise is ke to unlocking a divine door that allows the power of God to flow through us as we get to experience the victory of the Cross …

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March 31, 2022

His Treasured possession

The Lord has a Master Copy of each one of us and it pleases Him like a Potter molding a pot in his hand. It gives a sense of belonging to know that you are a treasure in his hand. …

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March 26, 2022

His Redeeming sacrifice

He is called a wounded healer for a reason. The question is, how does He use our wounds to heal others around us?...

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March 26, 2022

One day at a time

To be able to live and experience the fullness of what the Lord wills for us, then we have to consciously tune our mind to what He is doing today.....

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March 15, 2022

Become a Child of God

When we accept the Lord in our hearts in faith, our disposition changes and we get to be transformed from within as His power becomes manifest in us and through us...

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March 13, 2022

Arise and Shine

The Spirit of God shall raise your standard over and above every situation that symbolises darkness because Jesus is the Light of the world......

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Jan. 13, 2022

His Angels are at work

The power of intercession is revealed to us when the Lord commands His Angels with a divine purpose to answer a cry to God by a praying body of believers of Jesus Christ.

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Jan. 5, 2022

Gates of Praise # New Year Resolution

Just like a frequency through which as we pour out our Praise to God, He opens His Flood Gates of heaven and showers His blessings upon us meeting every need in our lives....

Episode page
Jan. 2, 2022

A New Beginning # Happy New Year

To walk and embrace the New means walking out of the old. To have a spiritual perspective of the New requires us to be intentional. When we trust God that in His faithfulness He is able to answer us before …

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Dec. 29, 2021

His Plan Prevails

It is true freedom to be able to lay all our plans to the Lord and to be able to accept His plans to be fulfilled in our lives will fill our heart's with peace and our hope will be …

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Dec. 28, 2021

Glorify the Father

When we keep and allow the Word to remain in us, then Emmanuel will transform us from within while fulfilling the purpose upon which He was sent by the Father out of Love for us.......

Episode page
Dec. 25, 2021

The Christmas's Story # Advent season

It not only a story of a New born baby Emmanuel but also a lesson about Praising and Worshiping God taught to us by the Heavenly Hosts and the Angel. So, when the child is born, unlike every other child, …

Episode page
Dec. 24, 2021

Do you love me # Advent season

The Lord gets to choose where to have the message of Good News delivered first; not in a Palace but in the fields to the lowly shepherds. Qualified as the most prized possession and precious in the sight of God …

Episode page
Dec. 23, 2021

It had to happen # Advent season

The Child Jesus was born in God's timing even though it all happened in the most unusual way and place but it had to be. It is so in our lives that the recent happenings that could have brought grief …

Episode page
Dec. 22, 2021

Keep His Word # Advent season

When we choose to believe that what the Lord has spoken would be fulfilled, then His Word takes residence in us and produces blessings in our lives. When we treasure He who is the Living Word made flesh then He …

Episode page
Dec. 20, 2021

Divine Mystery Fulfilled # Advent season

The Mystery of the love of God is unveiled as an infant Child, so innocent and naive is born of Mary on Christmas day. So, the Word who was in the beginning, becomes flesh and Love comes into the world …

Episode page
Dec. 20, 2021

He needs a Manger # Advent season

If our heart's are like a Manger because of our daily life struggles, challenges, brokenness and shortcomings and all circumstances that could affect our heart's, but if we open the door of our hearts despite all these, The L...

Episode page
Dec. 20, 2021

No room in the Inn # Advent season

Lack of familiarity to the voice of the Lord when He speaks to us, becomes a hindrance for Him and intervene in our life situations. Crowded by circumstances and situations that do not conform with His will for us becomes …

Episode page
Dec. 17, 2021

I must decrease

If we look at ourselves through the eyes of Jesus, then we will come to know how important and uniquely created each one of us is. Thus, so is our assignment here on earth to advance and establish the Kingdom …

Episode page
Dec. 14, 2021

I called my Son/ Daughter # Advent season

When we refuse to get accustomed to embracing and allowing what is happening around us to get into our spirits, them we are protected from spiritual contamination. Incase we find ourselves in this foreign zone, the Good New...

Episode page
Dec. 14, 2021

I was blind but now I see

Every problem has an expiry date. Nothing shall be impossible for the Lord to do. Trust is what we have to do, and believe that He is well aware of our greatest need and wait in expectation...

Episode page
Dec. 12, 2021

Right Perspective

It doesn't matter how long we wait for God's intervention to change our circumstances He will never fail because as He promised; Emmanuel; God is with us. In His own time He makes all things beautiful.....

Episode page
Dec. 10, 2021

You shall live and not die

After many threats to eliminate Jesus from His birth failed and He went on to accomplish His assignment as it had been written. He wasn't afraid or distracted by those who were against Him. There's was divine protection pro...

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