
Feb. 1, 2023

You are the Light of the world

He chose you once and has no regrets. All you need to know is that you are special, unique and equipped for the task at hand. Just trust Him....

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Feb. 1, 2023

He is Great in us

When we experience how Great He is then we shall know who's we belong to and thus reaffirm our hearts ......

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Feb. 1, 2023

The Lord will Arise

The Lord's presence in our lives will bring rest to our soul and since He is the Prince of Peace then a new season will be ushered.......

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Jan. 31, 2023

His Plan for us

Unlike the human heart, God's plan for us is greater than we can ever imagine and its meant to fulfil His Plan for the world He created hence He puts a demand on the time frame to mark the season.....

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Jan. 30, 2023

A heart of Thanksgiving

Thanking God shifts our disposition and puts us in a position of power and authority over anything that might try to bring us down.....

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Jan. 28, 2023

Mercy Triumped

His Mercy cannot be contained in us, when we are open to share and spread it, we open our hearts to receive more.....

Episode page
Jan. 28, 2023


Jesus is the True Vine and when we are connected to Him, then His life giving presence is what maintains and sustains us.....

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Jan. 24, 2023

His Grace is enough

We have to stop trying to fill up what He left in our lives and when we accept for His sake, then we are protected ....

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Jan. 20, 2023

Stretch it out

If we look intently, we will find that when we allow His Word to stretch out our faith, then we are transformed

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Jan. 19, 2023

He Owns Us # We belong to Him

We are His most treasured possession and He desires that we know and embrace this fact so that His Word may find room in our hearts.....

Episode page
Jan. 18, 2023

Follow me

The Lord is close to those who are broken and on the verge of giving up, ushering a New Season, He comes to establish a something New....

Episode page
Jan. 18, 2023

For the Glory of God

He rules out all possible questions about his infirmity and allows Mercy to Reign thus using the usual to bring forth a Supernatural restoration of his health for His Glory and Praise..

Episode page
Jan. 17, 2023

Guide me O Lord

A promise of restoration in submission to the guidance and truth of the Word of life given by a never failing God by His unfailing Mercy and love.....

Episode page
Jan. 16, 2023

Serving the Lord

Called by design, chosen for a Specific assignment no need to wonder but to Yes is what He requires and all the Grace needed is provided accordingly.....

Episode page
Jan. 16, 2023

I wanna see Jesus

Jesus did not need to look up to see him but He knew who it was and what it is that He needed and so He didn't care that His Mercy was in question but He gave it anyway.....

Episode page
Jan. 15, 2023

Father to the Fatherless

The Lord provides an assurance of protection, provision and continuous presence and victory over every situation that seems impossible or difficult to deal with. He is faithful to do it.

Episode page
Jan. 15, 2023

Trusting God # Christmas Season

The need to allow our Faith to rise above what we know and be open for our Divine Lord to do the supernatural to turn around our situation trusting that whatever we need He has...

Episode page
Jan. 15, 2023

Draw near to God

The desire to draw near to God originates from Him. When we willingly choose to take a step of faith, then He draws near to us and allows us to experience His Ocean of mercy and grace and abounding love. …

Episode page
Jan. 15, 2023

Trade your dreams for His Glory

Undivided trust, holding on dear to the Author of our lives with openness of heart to allow Him to use us for His Glory. He requires obedience not to try and make sense of the His call for us....

Episode page
Nov. 16, 2022

Yes Lord

When the Lord calls an individual, it is to fulfil His divine plan in our lives and nomatter how much we disqualify ourselves, it doesn't change His choice......all He needs is a 'Yes'

Episode page
Oct. 1, 2022

Everything is under His control

If we maintain our position at His feet, and we consciously remind ourselves of His Greatness, then we are protected from falling away and we remain in a position of Power...

Episode page
Aug. 10, 2022

The Great Teacher

It's all about a relationship with the Lord which creates a special interior bond that manifests His divinity from within us, thus revealing the knowledge of who He really is at the point of our need.....

Episode page
June 26, 2022

It was always going to be the Cross

He alone knows the plans he has in mind for each one of us and nothing can alter it........

Episode page
June 25, 2022

Promotion by Fire

God can use any circumstance to be a stepping stone to elevate you to the next level if we keep our focus fixed on Him and worship Him through all of it.........

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