
June 14, 2023

Surely the Lord is here

A divine encounter with the Lord comes in the most unusual place and time in the most uncomfortable season and He makes all things new...

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June 13, 2023

The Guardian Angel

The world and everything in it came to be at His command. Whatever the Lord commands has to be accomplished hence He has already taken care of what He knows we can't bear because He cares for us....

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June 10, 2023

Intimate Worship

To be able to empty our mind and instead to choose to consciously remember and recite God's goodness in our lives leads us to unity of body and mind which easily brings us to Intimacy with Jesus.

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June 10, 2023

True Worship

It's not passive but actively involves the mind and self offering sacrifice. It is not easily distracted or dictated by our current situations and circumstances but the main and only focus is on Jesus our Lord and King...

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June 10, 2023

Jesus be revealed

Any situation that poses as as a challenge to cope with means its an opportunity to offer it to Jesus and watch and see what He can do for nothing is impossible to Him....

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June 9, 2023

What do you Treasures

What we treasure dearly in our hearts then we give it priority over everything else and because our dedicated commitment towards this treasure, then it will rule our minds and control our hearts. .....what is it =results...

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June 5, 2023

A Heart of Thanksgiving

It is a conscious decision we have to make to be grateful to God for everything in our lives for every moment we do, we unlock another opportunity to receive more blessings and when we acknowledge, the Lord is Glorified.

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June 5, 2023

Caught unaware

Have you given up on a prayer and forgot even the minute details. God doesn't and in His timing He comes with an answer. So we have to open our hearts and a open mind to accept His way, His Will and His Plan.....

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June 5, 2023

Joy restored

The Lord equips us to be able to face our life situations by empowering with His Joy and in return becomes our strength....

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June 2, 2023

A divine experience

We get disappointed when we think that the Lord's intervention is delayed or when It's not happening according to our plan but it could be a set up for Divine Purpose. How open are we to accept this fact?

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June 1, 2023

Do you believe in Jesus

Faith in Jesus is directly connected to what we listyen to. The truth sets our mind free when with open hearts we received it......

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May 31, 2023

Do you know Him?

Everything that Jesus did was for us to experience His Grace and Mercy in time of need. So He became the perfect Sacrifice.....

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May 30, 2023

We have a Father

A reminder that we have a Father in heaven and we are children of one Father. He cares for us and He will ensure every need is taken care of when it shows up...

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May 29, 2023

A cry from the heart

Any situation beyond human intervention is not beyond God's Redemption. When all human efforts come to an end Jesus shows up with a brand New Life.

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May 28, 2023

Promised Keeper

Actively waiting means prayer and it helps us in detaching ourselves from vain things of this world, so we can be filled by the promised Holy Spirit of God.

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May 26, 2023

Listening to God's voice

The Lord calls us out of the familiar to the unknown when He reveals Himself, He captures our heart destroying fear, anxiety and equipping us with the fullness of who He is so that we get to fulfill our assignment.......

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May 24, 2023

God is Compassion and Love

It does not matter how far we could have walked away from God, it cannot be so far that his Love and Compassion cannot locate us.......

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May 24, 2023

It is time to Arise

A conditioned mindset is influenced by prevailing circumstances that seem impossible but when Jesus shows up, everything changes....

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May 23, 2023

Unshakeable Faith

Hoping against hope, believing in God's faithfulness beyond our inabilities or circumstances in our lives, unlocks the indescribable blessings that God has for us

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May 22, 2023

Pour out your heart to God

True worship flows from a broken heart. To be focused on Jesus means not to worry about Brokenness but to pour it out to the Lord and His love will overflow.....

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May 21, 2023

Heaven is Open # Ascension of the Lord

Jesus is Glorified and He lifts us up to be with Him. Shows us the way to heaven giving us an opportunity to rest in assurance that everything is under His control. So we can trust

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May 20, 2023

What is Silencing You

How do you know how close you are to receiving that long awaited breakthrough in your life?....

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May 19, 2023

We Must enter the Kingdom of God

Through everything, Jesus is here to help us so that we get to our destination. This is meant to help us focus on what matters while on the journey and to be aware of distraction..

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May 18, 2023

Keep the Focus

To be conscious of the Divine presence and intervention of Jesus in our lives and to consider how He endured the Cross and embrace His direction to experience unspeakable victories in our lives.

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