
Feb. 7, 2024

The call of Peter

From a place of frustration and disappointment, Jesus shows up and everything changes. The sight of an overflow commanded by the Lord would also be a shocking experience to you and I too, but amazing and unbelievable to see what he chose. Did he know that He just surrendered his…

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Feb. 6, 2024

Has God been Speaking to you?- Special Guest Interview with Rev. Dr. David Chotka.

With a conviction that God speaks to us all the time, Rev. David Chotka takes us on spiritual journey about the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. How His purpose was unveiled when he did not expect but found himself serving God in simplicity and every service led to a…

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Feb. 4, 2024

The Call of Isaiah

In a nutshell, we see Jesus using the same principle that Isaiah went through when calling his disciples. Once chosen by God, Isaiah could not even disqualify himself but God had a solution to purify him and then He was assigned and sent serve as a prophet. The encounter He…

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Feb. 1, 2024

The Posture to Receive from God

We don't just feel or experience fear, but fear also has a language which isn't really helpful but fosters negativity in times of adversity. So we are bound to complain about the situation or difficulty at hand and likewise we shall remain in that position because we have already projected…

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Jan. 30, 2024

The call of Jeremiah

Like Jeremiah who was called and assigned to an already predestined profetic office, the nature of God's call is so divine that it requires to be elevated to where God is in order to see and to have the capacity to do His will. No wonder the Lord said through…

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Jan. 29, 2024

A story of Grace and Love of God leading to Missionary life-Special Guest Interview with Sue Corl)

Sue is an international women's conference speaker, a mentor, an author, a Bible teacher and has been a missionary in Asia for 25 years. She is also a founder and director of Crown of Beauty International. Her greatest joy is being a wife and a mother of two adult children.…

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Jan. 25, 2024

The Call of Moses

A story of Grace and abounding Mercy of God. We see how the Lord presents His divine mission to a broken person in the hiding because of a murder case. Moses was a stammerer and had all the reasons to disqualify himself after he found out what God required of…

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Jan. 22, 2024

The Call of David

Another surprise shows up when the Lord sends prophet Samuel to go annoint Jesse's son without revealing which one; revealing to us today what he said that; God does not see as man sees but He looks at the heart. No wonder He was said to be a man after…

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Jan. 20, 2024

Recognizing God's direction and plan for our lives - Shawn Paul- Special Guest Interview.

Shawn Paul takes us on a very spiritual enlightening walk with the Lord as He unveils divine mysteries and lessons he has learnt in his committed walk as a believer of Jesus Christ. As a full-time missionary, a blessed family man, deeply committed to a loving marriage of 37 remarkable…

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Jan. 18, 2024

The call of Samuel

Samuel was a vowed child, consecrated to serving the Lord by a mother who made a conscious decision to pour out her pain before the throne of grace and mercy with confidence that nothing is impossible for God. She kept her promise and we see the Lord introducing Himself to…

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Jan. 18, 2024

How to live a life of purpose# Here I am Lord I come to do your will

This is an introduction to different Bible characters, their calling, their background, their journey and mission in life and the lessons that we can learn to help us in our journey of faith and hopefully develop a deep desire in us, to live a life of purpose, to live with…

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Jan. 16, 2024

Consoled behind closed doors

Jesus re-introduces Himself to His disciples after His resurrection but they could not recognize Him because they were caught up in their own maze of fear. He took His time and revealed every little detail about Him so He could get them out of this maze. We'll, we know Jesus…

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Jan. 10, 2024

And the Lord made them laugh

Another story in the Bible revealing to us that What God cannot do does not exist. We see the invisible hand of God protecting His promise until He brought it to fulfillment according to His divine timing. When the Lord speaks a promise that looks impossible in our own human…

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Jan. 8, 2024

Pain to Passion- Special Guest Interview of Morgan McCarver

A very captivating story of Morgan McCarver's journey with the Lord, through a season of pain and sickness and the beauty of what she is celebrating today as an author of the book- God the Artist. A story of how she overcame a difficult season of her life through prayer…

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Jan. 6, 2024

Complete Turnaround

Nothing escapes the eye of God. He commands and His will is established. Nothing can limit His achievement. At His Word, we see His Glory revealed and causing things to shift around us. He operates in our lives in seasons, for time belongs to Him. Everything Jesus does He does…

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Jan. 2, 2024

Broken and Redeemed

Jesus was broken so we could be made whole. Because of His Brokenness we become the redeemed. So we have an open invitation to receive the new life that He died to give us but it all begins with one step: a relationship with the author of our lives. Faith…

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Jan. 1, 2024

No more Silence

A heart poured out before the Throne of grace and Mercy is a expectant heart open to receive from the abundance of God's abounding Grace and Mercy. The Lord's promises are Yes and Amen and He is not a man that He should lie. He is faithful to the end.......

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Dec. 29, 2023

The Art of Thanksgiving

We need to cultivate an open mindset with an expectant heart to see the New thing, the New Year that the Lord is leading us to. It is important therefore to create a framework that will help us to thank God for His faithfulness with the intention to keep hoping,…

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Dec. 23, 2023

The Message of Christmass

The birth of our Lord Jesus is the message for the season of Christmas, yet while at the scene who would have thought it would become as the Great story of our Lord and Saviour today. Mary and Joseph because part of this story because they were chosen to be.…

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Dec. 18, 2023

Transforming Love of Jesus ( Paul Zolman life Testimony)

A special Guest interview with Paul Zolman sharing his personal journey with the Lord and how by grace he was able to overcome anger emanating from childhood abuse in a family circle and he developed a way and a tool to help him to grow in love and how this…

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Dec. 17, 2023

Special Guest Interviews

We have exclusive guest interviews of individuals who have walked in the journey of faith, cultivated a relationship with Jesus and over time they have become living testaments of what God can do, and what God cannot do does not exist because they are going to reveal to us of…

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Dec. 14, 2023

Good for something Vs Good for nothing

A wake up call to arise and get into action is presented most unusual, unexpected, umerited, most unqualified category of people. As a proof that God's ways are not our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts and how the God who created the universe has a pre-…

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Dec. 10, 2023

Lord teach me your ways # Is there room in your heart

None of us is on this earth by mistake or surprise to God. It was His pleasure to cause the mystery of our being to be unveiled in the world. His agenda for our lives is so great hence He chose to create us in His image and likeness. He…

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Dec. 8, 2023

The Father's Heart

A desire to know and experience the heart of Abba Father. The beauty of the Father's heart unveiled through our life experiences and the depths of His Mercy and Love which are beyond our human comprehension.

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