Jesus did not have to stand from His throne but He reveals how much He cares and wants to be part of our journey.....
His Plan is perfect. He commands everything into being and thus does He command every being into action.
A season that the Lord has promised to take delight to unveil His goodness, fulfilling the promises He made as a testament of His amazing Grace and Mercy for His namesake.
A turnaround, Ochestrated by God alone, seems like the end but through perseverance, imprisoned by Hope and Trust in God a New Season is born...
He is the Eternal God, the Alpha and Omega, so before any situation shows up, He already was. This is we know how the story Victory
The Lord chooses who to accomplish the what and promises to provide everything required to fulfil His purpose.
A death decree is reversed by the Lord to reveal His glory for generations to come.
Chosen by Grace. Purified, sanctified and molded for the Glory of God, then his mission was unveiled. It is God who qualifies the unqualified.
To step out of the old and walk into the new thing on God's agenda personalized for you. It comes with joy, a bright new vision lighting up in a world full of opportunities.....Can you see it spring forth?
It is a conscious decision that we have to make to rejoice not in our circumstances but in the Lord because of who He is. The effects have a positive impact in our lives and the Holy Spirit takes over
It's from our busy-ness that the Lord calls us to our destined purpose. There's need to act wisely ànd fast; to regognize His voice and draw near to him.
The Lord captures his attention by presenting an unusual scene which draws his attention and caught up in the New, the Lord reveals his mission. He seems to embrace it and never looks back. He takes a step of faith …
It opens unusual blessings, helps us to maintain our redemption and freedom as children of God, protecting us from sinning against Him.
Submitting to the plan and the purpose of God brings peace and trusting that He is still in control even when we don't understand.....
The Lord desires that we continuously thirst to be filled by Him. This thirst attracts His Divine presence and the rivers of living water will constantly flow into us and through us. This is He dwells in US transforming us …
It might look like an obstacle but it is for the Glory of God. A preparation for something greater, bigger and better in your future. Hence it is crucial to maintain a positive attitude.....
All the sufferings that Jesus had to go through on His body He also experienced it in His Heart. This is why, His Heart loves us till it hurts. He feels and experiences our every pain, hurt and every emotion …
A divine encounter with the Lord comes in the most unusual place and time in the most uncomfortable season and He makes all things new...
The world and everything in it came to be at His command. Whatever the Lord commands has to be accomplished hence He has already taken care of what He knows we can't bear because He cares for us....
To be able to empty our mind and instead to choose to consciously remember and recite God's goodness in our lives leads us to unity of body and mind which easily brings us to Intimacy with Jesus.
It's not passive but actively involves the mind and self offering sacrifice. It is not easily distracted or dictated by our current situations and circumstances but the main and only focus is on Jesus our Lord and King...
Any situation that poses as as a challenge to cope with means its an opportunity to offer it to Jesus and watch and see what He can do for nothing is impossible to Him....
What we treasure dearly in our hearts then we give it priority over everything else and because our dedicated commitment towards this treasure, then it will rule our minds and control our hearts. .....what is it =results...
It is a conscious decision we have to make to be grateful to God for everything in our lives for every moment we do, we unlock another opportunity to receive more blessings and when we acknowledge, the Lord is Glorified.