
Jan. 10, 2024

And the Lord made them laugh

Another story in the Bible revealing to us that What God cannot do does not exist. We see the invisible hand of God protecting His promise until He brought it to fulfillment according to His divine timing. When the Lord …

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Jan. 8, 2024

God the Artist: From Clay and Pain to Passion and Purpose

Dive into the profound journey of transformation with 'God the Artist: From Clay and Pain to Passion and Purpose.' Discover how divine creativity shapes our lives, turning trials into triumphs and pain into purpose. Explore the biblical perspective on suffering, …

Episode page
Jan. 6, 2024

Complete Turnaround

Nothing escapes the eye of God. He commands and His will is established. Nothing can limit His achievement. At His Word, we see His Glory revealed and causing things to shift around us. He operates in our lives in seasons, …

Episode page
Jan. 3, 2024

Broken and Redeemed

Jesus was broken so we could be made whole. Because of His Brokenness we become the redeemed. So we have an open invitation to receive the new life that He died to give us but it all begins with one …

Episode page
Jan. 1, 2024

No more Silence

A heart poured out before the Throne of grace and Mercy is a expectant heart open to receive from the abundance of God's abounding Grace and Mercy. The Lord's promises are Yes and Amen and He is not a man …

Episode page
Dec. 29, 2023

The Art of Thanksgiving

We need to cultivate an open mindset with an expectant heart to see the New thing, the New Year that the Lord is leading us to. It is important therefore to create a framework that will help us to thank …

Episode page
Dec. 23, 2023

The Message of Christmass

The birth of our Lord Jesus is the message for the season of Christmas, yet while at the scene who would have thought it would become as the Great story of our Lord and Saviour today. Mary and Joseph because …

Episode page
Dec. 18, 2023

Transforming Love of Jesus ( Paul Zolman life Testimony)

A special guest interview with Paul Zolman with a detailed life story of how he overcame anger in his life and discovered a better way to love and grow in to love and grow in the love of Jesus.

Episode page
Dec. 17, 2023

Special Guest Interviews

We have exclusive guest interviews of individuals who have walked in the journey of faith, cultivated a relationship with Jesus and over time they have become living testaments of what God can do, and what God cannot do does ...

Episode page
Dec. 14, 2023

Good for something Vs Good for nothing

A wake up call to arise and get into action is presented most unusual, unexpected, umerited, most unqualified category of people. As a proof that God's ways are not our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts and …

Episode page
Dec. 10, 2023

Lord teach me your ways # Is there room in your heart

None of us is on this earth by mistake or surprise to God. It was His pleasure to cause the mystery of our being to be unveiled in the world. His agenda for our lives is so great hence He …

Episode page
Dec. 9, 2023

The Father's Heart

A desire to know and experience the heart of Abba Father. The beauty of the Father's heart unveiled through our life experiences and the depths of His Mercy and Love which are beyond our human comprehension.

Episode page
Dec. 6, 2023

A hundred thousand welcome O Jesus

One encounter with Jesus is a game changer. He comes to our level; in the midst of confusion, fear, anxiety or helplessness. If we open our hearts to him, then then we can assured that He will leave no stones …

Episode page
Dec. 5, 2023

It seemed like a dream

Absolute trust in God produces unbelievable results and it is something we grow in, not an instant answer without an inbuilt personal relationship with Jesus.

Episode page
Dec. 4, 2023

My heart Longs for you Lord

A deep longing for God is a pre-requisite to receiving the fullness of who He is. Worship puts us in a disposition to experience the divine presence of God. This is where the life giving presence of God flows from.

Episode page
Dec. 3, 2023

Jesus comes On-time

Whenever nothing seems to happen on the surface, we should look deeper and pray for more clarity. When it feels like we have reached the end, it means that the Lord is about to introduce something new. The secret is …

Episode page
Dec. 2, 2023

Victory is Given

The battle is the Lord's but don't disregard the staff in your hand or the stone that is ordinary and within your reach. Although they seem ordinary, the Lord intends to use them to Glorify His name.

Episode page
Nov. 30, 2023

All Glory to Jesus

A grateful heart leads us to worship and Glorify Jesus acknowledging His Mercy and Faithfulness that never fails....

Episode page
Nov. 29, 2023

Mercy locate me

God's Mercy never fails. He shows us His Mercy to reveal to us the beauty of His Heart....

Episode page
Nov. 21, 2023

Lord I Wanna See You

Negative circumstances and experiences have a way of influencingour mindset and then become an obstacle to see the Lord or to recognize the time of His visitation.

Episode page
Nov. 19, 2023

The Power of His Love

This is an invitation to an eternal relationship initiated by the Lord and when we accept it and open our hearts to welcome Him, then He makes us a New Creation.....

Episode page
Nov. 15, 2023

Only for the Thirsty

To thirst for the Lord requires us to have faith in Jesus and thus in His Word. To believe that He commands the Seasons of our lives and does what He says.... in His Mercy

Episode page
Nov. 15, 2023

A Living Sacrifice

The truth is a game changer; how worship can outdoors petition prayer and how it becomes a secret route to the Heart of God where all the petitions are handled....

Episode page
Nov. 13, 2023

Lord I Choose You

When we choose Jesus, we receive the fullness of Who He is and our heart desires are answered and thus His Will is perfected in us.

Episode page