Everything is under the control of God even when we feel like things are out of control. He is God in good and bad times, he changes not. When we remember his wonderful deeds in our life, we get grace …
The Lord Jesus came to establish The New Order: The New Life in Him. A life that he is close to us, dwells with us, when we aspire to live in this new order then our destination will be heaven. …
Bless the Lord o my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy name....
This is how we are delivered from the fear of death by holding on to hope: holding on to Jesus ......
Behold, the Son of God is Risen. He is the Eternal God for He has defeated death. This is Great News that we dont have to be afraid of death. However, it all begins with opening the door of our …
When we choose to exalt and glorify the Precious name of JESUS, then His life giving presence is manifested....
Praise the Lord with me with psalms of thanksgiving.
Recited psalms in honour of the Lord as He completes the journey of our salvation.
Even when Jesus was submitting to take on the cross of the sin of the world by willingly and openly revealing Himself to the soldiers to be arrested, they were struck with terror at His name and the fell on …
The love of God for each one of us is pure and free. It is available to tap in and to receive straight from the heart of Jesus.....
The old order has passed away and the New covenant sealed by the precious blood of Jesus has been established to forever Redeem us from the clutches of evil and sin.....
Through the Crucified Lord; Crucified Love of God, we become more than conquerors...
Just as the Lord had promised, it was accomplished because He is a Promise Keeper. So in expectation we wait for His promises to be fulfilled in our lives.
Jesus consoled the women of Jerusalem and at the summit of the salvation story, when Jesus dies on the cross we see many women sorrounding him.....
No more limitations or hinderances can ever block us from being accessible to become what we were designed to be and this is why......
In the face of difficulties and many cares in our world today, we need sanity of mind and rest but these can only be found in Jesus. So each day we are faced with a choice to make Him Lord …
Jesus reads His last will as a foundation upon which His kingdom shall be built on and now recorded for us all....
The secret is to look up to Him ( Jesus) in every situation of our need, He is always around. The starting point is to have a relationship with Him......
The Lord Jesus died for us all, so worshiping Him should not be an option. Only He is worthy of our worship and when we worhip Him we are made whole. The Samaritan woman is a perfect example.........
Jesus is the hope of the hopeless, the strength of the weak, the healer of all healers. Do we recognize him when he shows up at these times of our lives?
When faith speaks, the Lord moves and the long awaited miracle happens...
When Jesus died on the Cross He released the breath of life. This life giving presence of God ushers us into the New Life in Jesus.
Only Jesus can fill that void in us, otherwise nothing else will do.
The pain of separation and rejection did not stop Jesus to do the Father's will and it shouldn't stop us either.