
July 7, 2021

Listen to him

When He speaks, even death is powerless before Him. To come alive in Him means to have faith in Who He is, that the fullness of life is hidden in Him. So Jesus is life...

Episode page
July 6, 2021

He mends a bruised reed

Tired, broken, rejected, shattered, thirsty and searching for fulfilment only to get more broken but her life was transformed when Jesus showed up unexpectedly; This is what Mercy, Grace and Love of God can do....

Episode page
July 5, 2021

It's all by His Grace

Jesus calls sinners, purifies and equips with His grace to accomplish His pre-destined purpose for His Glory....

Episode page
July 3, 2021

Faith cannot be silenced

Where faith fails, praise and glory to God also diminishes. So when faith arises, miracles will happen and praise and glory will go back to God....

Episode page
July 2, 2021

You are valuable

We are bound to live in fear when our worth has not been revealed to us. The full value of each one of us can only found in God.....

Episode page
June 30, 2021

Keys to the Kingdom

Safety is to be on the side of the Lord. The revelation of who He is comes with a direct access for divine help and authority over all forces of darkness....

Episode page
June 28, 2021

Who touched me?

If God dresses the lilies, he can also take care of our needs. His intervention is on the way. His delay is not intentional but your case was heard and settled when you prayed. He does not dissapoint, He is …

Episode page
June 27, 2021

No more Identity Crisis

Intimacy with God brings out our Identity and breaks the chains that would bring about identity crisis thus. It builds trust and confidence from within.....

Episode page
June 26, 2021

Intimacy fosters dialogue

It is not in His nature to disappoint and since none of us reveals our secrets to strangers but to a close friend. Heart to heart conversations can be experienced when the Lord speaks His Heart out.....

Episode page
June 25, 2021

Intimacy does not shy off

It is a personal commitment to boldly step out of the crowd and be the one worship the King of Kings with an open heart focused only on Him.....

Episode page
June 24, 2021

It's a come back

Grace and Mercy has been promised by the Lord but repentance is for us to do. Intimacy requires transparency and as the Lord pours out His love, we allow our fragility to be exposed before Him so He can bring …

Episode page
June 22, 2021

Discern the Times

Gifts of God come wrapped in swaddling clothes. We need the grace to see through the wrapping paper so we can embrace them as a gift from God

Episode page
June 21, 2021

It all revolves around His Throne

If we choose to remain at this place, then all our fears will be cast out and as we worship, we receive the love of God .....

Episode page
June 19, 2021

We are made New

Stepping in to the new requires confidence and trust in God and assures us of a safe arrival at our destined pre-destined purpose....

Episode page
June 15, 2021

The Immaculate Heart of Mary Feast

Chosen by Abba Father, given to us by the Son, Overshadowed by the Holy Spirit she acomplished her mission perfectly....

Episode page
June 12, 2021

The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

This Heart that loves till it hurts, was pierced to ease our pain and left open to accomodatodate all who believe in Him....

Episode page
June 11, 2021

Its all about a relationship

Jesus established a covenant but we have to do our part; to accept and receive him into our hearts.....

Episode page
June 11, 2021

No more fear

When we receive and confess the authority given to us by Jesus, then His power is manifested in our lives and there will be no room for fear.

Episode page
June 10, 2021


This is a divine key ushers us into a new shift, unlocking an unlimited flow of blessings upon our lives........

Episode page
June 10, 2021

He shall raise your standard

These unprecedented happenings in our lives are not a surprise to God, so once the Lord executes His plan, its going to be amazing. So hold on to Jesus and se what He can do....

Episode page
June 9, 2021

Your pain has a purpose

The road through painful experieces will definately come to an end but when Jesus shows up it becomes a New beginning.....

Episode page
June 8, 2021

His Joy, my Strength

No joy means no strength hence the violent shall take it force meaning to rejoice in the Lord's Goodness even whell all odds are against you.....

Episode page
June 7, 2021

Faith it

Overwhelmed with fear and anxiety, resist the temptation to speak it out but elevate your Trust in the Lord: let faith arise....

Episode page
June 6, 2021

He was broken for us

He was pierced to ease our pain and wounded to heal us hence; Jesus was broken to make us whole......

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