Feb. 12, 2024

What does it really mean to look for and listen to God? Special Guest Interview with Paul Granger.

What does it really mean to look for and listen to God? Special Guest Interview with Paul Granger.

To be able to see God working in our lives, we have to be intentional to seek Him and choose to believe with expectancy that He is always at work. To be able to lay down all that we are and open our hearts to God in faith and expectancy. It is definite that we will see Him move in a special way. If we choose to believe that God speaks then it changes how we listen and with time it becomes more organic because we get familiar with His voice and how He speaks. Our commitment is grounded on the fact that, we believe He is present in our lives, at all seasons and through every circumstance. Hence with this confidence, our heart desire to see and hear His speak to us will be fulfilled. When we have faith God is real, and He is good, then our faith pleases Him and then He opens more opportunities to us to get to experience or encounter Him in a special way. In His love, He draws us to Him by allowing us to experience Him. The more we experience His presence, we experience His love too..... a love that transforms us from inside out. This is a journey of Trust.

Let us strive to fix our eyes on Jesus who is the leader and perfecter of our faith. (Heb 12:2)

Paul Granger Profile Photo

Paul Granger

Ambassador of Christ/Full-time volunteer ministry/Content-creator

When asked what he does, Paul likes to say "ambassador of Christ", because he's learned that this job supersedes any other he may hold.
One of the ways God has invited him to live out the call to "love God and love others" is through the "shepherding gift": providing pastoral support, cultivating authentic and accessible space for conversation and community, and advocating for those who may go unseen.

Functionally, he has spent the last two decades serving with various ministries, and now serves full time alongside YWAM and other entities in loving his neighbors in authentic ways. He's a content-creator, whether it is his podcast "Where did you see God", books, or videos. He loves spending time with his wife and kids, and they see their home -- which God gave them in a crazy way -- as an important piece of how they love their neighbors as a lifestyle.