The call of Samuel

Samuel was a vowed child, consecrated to serving the Lord by a mother who made a conscious decision to pour out her pain before the throne of grace and mercy with confidence that nothing is impossible for God. She kept her promise and we see the Lord introducing Himself to the youth and revealing His mission to Him. Samuel went on to become one of the greatest prophets in Israel who God used in Mighty way to showcase His Power and Majesty. He found himself living his purpose and he fulfilled his destiny. Interestingly, his journey began with a broken, shattered, hurting, troubled mother who knew and decided to do what Jesus said in Mathew 11:28, to lay down her burdens at the feet of Jesus and got into a covenant with God that didn't just change her life but a whole nation.
How many times has these moments presented themselves in our lives, only to channel them in the wrong direction and thus never get to see what God has kept in store for us if only we can believe in Him abit more. In the end, all we have are shattered dreams and not knowing that we have been on God's waiting list to receive that blessing. Faith is crucial to receive what we desire from God as well allowing God to do what He said in Romans 8:28 to come to pass. Believing that He has the power to cause all things to work out for good in our lives; good or bad, as we seek to love Him.
Giving up is not an option for a believer of Jesus Christ...so let's take a step of faith and choose to do things differently and see what Jesus will do...