The Call of Moses

A story of Grace and abounding Mercy of God. We see how the Lord presents His divine mission to a broken person in the hiding because of a murder case. Moses was a stammerer and had all the reasons to disqualify himself after he found out what God required of him. While every circumstance of his life would have said otherwise, Moses was at the right place at the right time because preparation seems to happen in the wilderness and God is a Master planner. So it happened that when God called him, God called him from the wilderness to go back to the Palace to showcase His Power and to set his people free. He was God's choice and his case was settled, so there was no looking back but to arise and do the will of God.
And so is the same case in our lives, God looks for available vessels not a have it all or experienced and highly trained. He likes to train His own, His way... the fuel we need is His Grace which he says is sufficient for us to tap in. The one major thing we have to do is to make a decision to seek His presence as the Bible says, when we draw near to Him, He draws near to us. This is just the beginning of the journey of living a life of purpose and the end is fulfilling our destiny....