The Call of David

Another surprise shows up when the Lord sends prophet Samuel to go annoint Jesse's son without revealing which one; revealing to us today what he said that; God does not see as man sees but He looks at the heart. No wonder He was said to be a man after God's Own heart. Even though he was anointed as a youth, he did not get to sit on the throne immediately. His life thereafter was a dramatic one and he was always on the run hiding from Saul who wanted to kill him. All through his life we see the presence, protection and mercy of God enveloping him, even when he sinned while on the throne, the mercy of God was abounding in his life and the result of which Solomon becomes the next greatest King in Israel who pleased God for seeking His Wisdom to govern His people and He was given riches too because it pleased God. Today when we read or sing the Psalms, it takes us on a very personal journey with the Lord and helps us to easily connect with God through every experience of our lives. The climax of God's choice for David is the fact that his annoiting and calling was a preparation of the coming of Jesus who once and for all established the Kingdom of God and was declared King forever.
God's plan is perfect and nobody or situation can thwart it. Like David the throne he was annoited he finally sat on it and was crowned the King of Israel as God's Own choice. Infact Saul never managed to kill David despite his many threats. The key factor in this story is a remarkable heart that David had for God and in return we see the presence of God through his every step, challenge or struggle.
This is a proof that if we fix our eyes on Jesus and are serious about our relationship with Jesus then we can be assured that nothing and nobody can override, overthrow or overule God's divine purpose upon our lives but He is Faithful to complete the good work He started in our lives. So we can trust Him.