I hunger for you O Lord

Jesus unveils His divine nature and reveals what true worship entails in the most unprecedented, uncommon and unfamiliar environment.
One pivotal moment in the life of Jesus that He reflects back, waits on and chose to give a teaching of what Hebrews 4:15 entails; that He is a High Priest who is able to sympathize with our weaknesses and so, moved with sympathy, He breaks racial barriers and spends His quality divine time with a broken, rejected woman who had been wearied by life and life's burdens. His sef-deal is evident because instead of resting and nourishing His own body. He seems to have a passion to pour out His all for her sake and she had no clue.
Lessons Learnt:
Jesus chose to come, wait on and minister to those who are rejected, burdened, tired and exhausted by life's demands.
There's need to come out of our self- limiting mindset so as to be able to attend to someone's need. This is the love that breaks barriers amongst us and fosters a spirit of unity and acceptance. This is how we allow the love of God to flow to others and thus bring transformation and conversion and God is glorified.
Jesus is the only one who can quench the thirst of our soul. Everything else that we give priority other than Jesus, is bound to break, burden us or cause weariness of soul. So worship provides the environment to bloom, thrive and to rise above all these circumstances.
How one encounter with Jesus transformed a gentile woman and turned her into a precious vessel in the Lord's hand that produced unimaginable harvest to proclaim the Good News.