Jan. 19, 2024

Recognizing God's direction and plan for our lives - Shawn Paul- Special Guest Interview.

Recognizing God's direction and plan for our lives - Shawn Paul- Special Guest Interview.

Shawn Paul takes us on a very spiritual enlightening walk with the Lord as He unveils divine mysteries and lessons he has learnt in his committed walk as a believer of Jesus Christ. As a full-time missionary, a blessed family man, deeply committed to a loving marriage of 37 remarkable years, a proud father and grandfather, Shawn Paul's passion lies in inspiring individuals to run their race in Jesus. Being a devoted believer of Jesus for over 30 years has taught him how to listen to God and how to be quick to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. The beauty about this kind of relationship, is the fact that, it fosters growth and spiritual maturity and the evidence and results of these spiritual engagement is openly visible to those around us. When we are committed to keep our focus on Jesus and pleasing God through our spiritual walk with Him, then Jesus is Glorified. Jesus came to establish the kingdom of God here on earth and when He left us a comand to proclaim the Good News to all the world. Jesus looks for available feet to walk His talk, available hands to do His word, available mouths to speak His Praises and available minds to advocate divine mysteries. Each one of us can find something to engage in, given our different talents, gifts and potentials that will bring Glory to the name of Jesus. It all begins with one step, to give your life to Jesus and let Him be the Lord of your heart. To choose light and not darkness. To accept the Truth of the Word of God to set us free and to make a Jesus a priority in our every thought, word and action. To allow His Grace to help us in all our imperfections and to cultivate an intimate relationship with God. Tune to the podcast link below to hear Shawn Paul's inspired teaching platforms below for the website, blog and podcast: https://www.lifeisjesuschrist.com

Let us strive to fix our eyes on Jesus who is the leader and perfecter of our faith. (Heb 12:2)




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