Season 23

Feb. 27, 2024

Deliberate delay

Delay is not denial and if we are able to trust God as we wait to see His intervention in our lives, then we shall rejoice when we come to find that time is in His hands and He has …

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Feb. 20, 2024

Marriage as a Covenant relationship and why it matters.

Love and marriage is a huge topic to talk about but the the beauty of it all is the fact that God initiated it in the book of Genesis when He created the first couple: Adam and Eve and placed …

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Feb. 16, 2024

The Magnetic Heart of God: The Cravings of Your Soul - Special Guest …

Have you ever wondered what the human soul is or what it is good for? In this episode, Our special guest; Cory Rosenke takes us on a journey of self discovery and reveals to us how the 5 cravings of …

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Feb. 14, 2024

Love that Conquered death

God is Love. Meaning, the fullness of love can be experienced or manifested in us and through us when we know, believe and embrace this fact. On the other hand, it means that when we are not connected to God …

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Feb. 10, 2024

The Call of Saul

This is how we can never predict, underestimate or summarise the extent to which the Lord can allow His Grace to flow into our lives. It is in accordance with the measure of His divine abounding treasure for the purpose …

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Feb. 7, 2024

The call of Peter

From a place of frustration and disappointment, Jesus shows up and everything changes. The sight of an overflow commanded by the Lord would also be a shocking experience to you and I too, but amazing and unbelievable to see w...

Episode page
Feb. 4, 2024

The Call of Isaiah

In a nutshell, we see Jesus using the same principle that Isaiah went through when calling his disciples. Once chosen by God, Isaiah could not even disqualify himself but God had a solution to purify him and then He was …

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Feb. 1, 2024

The Posture to Receive from God

We don't just feel or experience fear, but fear also has a language which isn't really helpful but fosters negativity in times of adversity. So we are bound to complain about the situation or difficulty at hand and likewise w...

Episode page
Jan. 30, 2024

The call of Jeremiah

Like Jeremiah who was called and assigned to an already predestined profetic office, the nature of God's call is so divine that it requires to be elevated to where God is in order to see and to have the capacity …

Episode page
Jan. 29, 2024

A story of Grace and Love of God leading to Missionary life-Special G…

Sue is an international women's conference speaker, a mentor, an author, a Bible teacher and has been a missionary in Asia for 25 years. She is also a founder and director of Crown of Beauty International. Her greatest joy is...

Episode page
Jan. 25, 2024

The Call of Moses

A story of Grace and abounding Mercy of God. We see how the Lord presents His divine mission to a broken person in the hiding because of a murder case. Moses was a stammerer and had all the reasons to …

Episode page
Jan. 16, 2024

Consoled behind closed doors

Jesus re-introduces Himself to His disciples after His resurrection but they could not recognize Him because they were caught up in their own maze of fear. He took His time and revealed every little detail about Him so He cou...

Episode page
Jan. 10, 2024

And the Lord made them laugh

Another story in the Bible revealing to us that What God cannot do does not exist. We see the invisible hand of God protecting His promise until He brought it to fulfillment according to His divine timing. When the Lord …

Episode page
Jan. 8, 2024

God the Artist: From Clay and Pain to Passion and Purpose

Dive into the profound journey of transformation with 'God the Artist: From Clay and Pain to Passion and Purpose.' Discover how divine creativity shapes our lives, turning trials into triumphs and pain into purpose. Explore the biblical perspective on suffering, …

Episode page
Jan. 6, 2024

Complete Turnaround

Nothing escapes the eye of God. He commands and His will is established. Nothing can limit His achievement. At His Word, we see His Glory revealed and causing things to shift around us. He operates in our lives in seasons, …

Episode page
Jan. 3, 2024

Broken and Redeemed

Jesus was broken so we could be made whole. Because of His Brokenness we become the redeemed. So we have an open invitation to receive the new life that He died to give us but it all begins with one …

Episode page
Jan. 1, 2024

No more Silence

A heart poured out before the Throne of grace and Mercy is a expectant heart open to receive from the abundance of God's abounding Grace and Mercy. The Lord's promises are Yes and Amen and He is not a man …

Episode page
Dec. 29, 2023

The Art of Thanksgiving

We need to cultivate an open mindset with an expectant heart to see the New thing, the New Year that the Lord is leading us to. It is important therefore to create a framework that will help us to thank …

Episode page
Dec. 23, 2023

The Message of Christmass

The birth of our Lord Jesus is the message for the season of Christmas, yet while at the scene who would have thought it would become as the Great story of our Lord and Saviour today. Mary and Joseph because …

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Dec. 18, 2023

Transforming Love of Jesus ( Paul Zolman life Testimony)

A special guest interview with Paul Zolman with a detailed life story of how he overcame anger in his life and discovered a better way to love and grow in to love and grow in the love of Jesus.

Episode page
Dec. 17, 2023

Special Guest Interviews

We have exclusive guest interviews of individuals who have walked in the journey of faith, cultivated a relationship with Jesus and over time they have become living testaments of what God can do, and what God cannot do does ...

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