April 4, 2024

Harvesting Hope Through Hardship on the Path to Publishing

Harvesting Hope Through Hardship on the Path to Publishing

In the latest heartwarming episode of our podcast, we had the privilege of welcoming Susan Gabriel, a beacon of faith and a pillar of resilience, who has woven a remarkable narrative of her life. The episode titled "Overcoming Unfair Circumstances with Faith and Resilience-Special Guest Interview Susan Gabriel" takes us through Susan's inspiring journey that speaks volumes about the power of faith in the face of life's most tumultuous storms.

Susan's tale is a testament to the adage that when life hands you lemons, you have the choice to make lemonade. But for Susan, she went a step further, cultivating a whole lemon grove, transforming her trials into a testimony of victory and strength. Her deep-rooted belief in Jesus served as a steadfast lighthouse, guiding her through a broken marriage, the painful ordeal of losing her daughter to the system, and the challenging road to single motherhood. Yet, her story resonates not only with her personal triumphs but with the collective spirit of perseverance that echoes in the hearts of many.


The episode unfolds Susan's transformation from a shy individual to a confident author and founder of Soul Sunshine Publishing. We delve into the remarkable ascent of her career—from an electronic assembler to a technical writer, each role intricately preparing her for her destined role in the world of Christian literature. A divine intervention, coupled with an online friendship, ignited the birth of her company, a platform fostering a community of authors and artists united by faith and creativity.

As Susan's journey to establishing Soul Sunshine Publishing unravels, listeners are captivated by her candid sharing of how negative reviews led to the refinement of her memoir, paving the way for the successful expansion of publishing other authors' works. The joy of creating a supportive community for fellow writers, the personal transformations witnessed, and the fulfillment found in aligning work with divine purpose, all paint a picture of Susan's Christian publishing success.

The episode concludes with a soul-stirring song of praise and a collective prayer, filling the air with gratitude and reflection for the steadfast love of the Lord. Susan's testament serves as an uplifting reminder to hold onto our faith tightly, knowing that it is the compass that will navigate us through life's challenges. We are left with a sense of awe at her courage and a reaffirmation that our shared stories have the power to shed light on God’s enduring love in the world.

For those eager to dive deeper into Susan's experiences, the podcast offers a detailed transcript from key chapters, where she opens up about the dark valleys of her life and how her unwavering faith in God and the scriptures brought her solace and strength. From her heart-wrenching battles to the fulfilling joy of helping others tell their stories through her publishing company, Susan's narrative is a beacon of hope for all.

Join us in this moving episode as Susan Gabriel shares her Chronicle of Courage, Faith, and Christian Creativity. Let her story inspire you to find your own path through adversity and into the light of hope and purpose.

To listen to the full episode and learn more about Susan Gabriel's remarkable journey, tune in to our podcast and experience the uplifting power of faith and resilience in action.