Love of Christ Posts

Love is a very popular word in the world today. It has been used by people from every walk of life. It is interesting to note that; over time, this very word becomes a “special” when we come to know that it is the name of our God, according to (1John 4:8) which says; “God is love” and becomes the primary way that He treats us through according to (John 3:16), “For God so loved the world , so He gave His only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.”

The love of a child is considered to be pure because children are naive so they love easily and openly. No wonder, Jesus said in (Luke 18:16-17) that; “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.”

As I pondered these scriptures, I tried to reconcile the two different aspect but relevant. One is the fact that as common as the word “Love” is, there is need to have a positive application and interpretation in our day to day lives and happens to bear a divine connotation and meaning too. In order to achieve greater heights with this kind of application, then it means we need to develop a childlike mindset and attitude. Interestingly, this seems to be an aspect that Paul Zolman delved into through his mind blowing discovery of the “Role of love.” I’m not surprised that he is known as a love language linguist today for unveiling a very interesting theory that is both easily applicable and life changing. Read more here;

Role Of Love Dice (@roleoflovedice) • Instagram photos and videos

In this book, Paul had unravelled a childhood game into a relatable template in form of a dice to explain 5 love languages, which are meant to help us grow in developing positive loving skills in our day to day lives and to effect the love of Christ in our world. These love languages are reveal to us how we cannot explain, talk about or expect to experience or share love, if God is not the centre of it.
The transforming love of God, revealed to us in the person of Jesus Christ is still available to us today. If we open our hearts to receive Him and our lives are transformed so we become agents of his transforming grace to the World. Paul Zolman is a living testimony of this grace that is sufficient for us and that it is still working.

To connect with Paul or read more about what the Role of Love entails, please visit the link below;

Paul Zolman | Author (@paul_zolman) • Instagram photos and videos
Role of Love Dice (@roleoflovedice) / X (twitter.com)
Sept. 1, 2024

Becoming Channels of God's Love: Transforming the World

Becoming Channels of God's Love: A Call to Action In our latest podcast episode, Letting Go of the Past: Focusing on God and Moving Forward, we delved into the transformative power of experiencing God's love and becoming channels of His love to a h…

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April 5, 2024

The Divine Love of God: Anchored in a Mother's Heart

An Analogy of Divine Love The notion of God's love can be both profound and abstract. To grasp its essence, the Bible draws an analogy between the unwavering love of a mother and the unconditional compassion of our Creator. This analogy serves as a…

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