Aug. 31, 2024

A Journey of Reconciliation and Transformation

A Journey of Reconciliation and Transformation



In this text, the speaker discusses the journey of faith and the love of Christ, as outlined in the book of Second Corinthians and Chapter 5. Numbers 14. The Bible states that the love of Christ impels us once we have come to the conviction that one died for all. All have died, and we now regard no one according to the flesh, even if they want new price according to the flesh.

The new creation, has come from God, who has reconciled us to himself through Christ and given us the Ministry of Reconciliation. We are ambassadors for God, appealing through Christ to the world. We implore Jesus to be reconciled to God for our sake, as he made him to be seen, who did not know sin, so that we might become the righteousness of God in him.

The speaker also discusses the journey of moving into the new promise and new place, as well as the spiritual journey of the Israelites. They highlight the lessons that have been learned through the journey from the land of slavery into the promised land.

The speaker emphasizes that the promised land is only heaven, and that Jesus reminds us of this fact when he comes in the New Testament.



·       The love of Christ compels us to live not for ourselves, but for Him, as we are transformed into new creations through our reconciliation with God.

·       Our spiritual journey mirrors the Israelites' journey from slavery to the Promised Land, emphasizing that true fulfilment lies not in earthly places, but in our eternal relationship with God.

·       Jesus' sacrifice on the cross restores us to God's original plan, inviting us to embrace a new life characterized by His righteousness and holiness, which we cannot earn but can freely receive.

·       To be effective ambassadors for Christ, we must continuously connect our souls to Him, tuning our spiritual antennas to recognize His voice amidst the chaos of life around us.

·       As we fix our eyes on Jesus and align our minds with His, we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us in living out our intended purpose, becoming instruments of His healing and mercy in the world.


Let us strive to fix our eyes on Jesus who is the leader and perfecter of our faith. (Heb 12:2)

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