Fix your eyes on Jesus

Fix your eyes on Jesus

"Join us on 'Fix Your Eyes on Jesus,' a podcast where we explore the life-changing power of focusing on Jesus Christ amidst the chaos of life. Dive deep into biblical teachings, heartfelt reflections, and inspiring stories of faith that encourage you to keep your gaze firmly on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. Whether you're seeking peace, strength, or deeper spiritual growth, this podcast is your guide to nurturing a closer relationship with Jesus and transforming your life from the inside out. Tune in and let's journey together towards a more faith-filled life."

Recent Episodes

June 29, 2024

God Chooses the Weak: The Story of Gideon

Summary In this episode, Anney continues the series on moving into the Promised Land. She reads from the book of Judges and discusses the Israelites' disobedience and subsequent oppression by the Midianites. Despite their d…
June 22, 2024

Not Giving Up but Fixing your eyes on Jesus

Summary In this conversation, Anney explores the story of Paul and Silas in Acts 16:25-34 and draws lessons on not giving up and fixing our eyes on Jesus. She emphasizes the importance of knowing our identity in Christ and u…
June 19, 2024

Overcoming Fear and Facing Giants with Faith

Summary The conversation focuses on the theme of faith and trust in God's promises, emphasizing the need to overcome fear and face the giants in life. It encourages listeners to hold on to hope and use the word of God as a …
June 13, 2024

The Power of the Name of Jesus in Transition

This conversation explores the story of a crippled beggar in the book of Acts and focuses on the theme of transition. The beggar, who had been sitting at the beautiful gate of the temple, encounters Peter and John, who speak…
June 9, 2024

Desiring Change and Trusting in God's Plans

Summary The conversation explores the story of the four lepers in 2 Kings 7 and draws lessons about faith and taking action. The lepers, who were outcasts and facing famine, decided to take a step of faith and go to the cam…
June 7, 2024

Spreading Courage: Impacting Others with Faith and Trust

Summary The conversation explores the theme of faith and courage in the face of challenges, drawing insights from the scripture in the book of Matthew. It emphasizes the importance of trusting in Jesus and spreading courag…

Recent Blog Posts

The New Promise and Your Identity in Christ

Introduction: The Importance of Understanding Our Identity in Christ In this blog post, we'll explore the profound importance of understanding our identity in Christ. This foundational truth empowers us to move forward confidently, regardless of ou…

The Power of Jesus' Name in Times of Change

Introduction In a time where change seems to be the only constant, we need something to hold onto, something to give us hope and strength. In this blog post, we will explore the story of the crippled beggar in Acts and how the name of Jesus can tra…

The Power of Community in Healing Prayer

Introduction As explored in our recent episode, "The Healing Prayer: The Experience of the Miraculous," with our guest Dr. David Chotka, the concept of healing prayer is profound. It's a topic that has been widely discussed, and in this blog post, …